

Class for creating MixedEffects terms and models (source code).


model = MixedEffect(ran, fix, varargin);
  • ran: A matrix containing the random effect.

  • fix: A matrix contianing the fixed effect, optional.

  • varargin: Name-value pairs, see below.

  • add_intercept: Add an intercept term, optional, defaults to true.

Name-Value Pairs

  • If true, adds an identity term to the model, defaults to true.

  • If true, adds an intercept term to the model, defaults to true.

  • Name(s) of the random effect(s).

  • Name(s) of the fixed effect(s).

  • If true, then ran is treated as if its already a term for the variance. This option is intended for developer usage only.

Method Overloads

Several of the methods in this class have overloads that allow for combining different MixedEffect objects. Adding two effects together (model_1 + model_2) results in a new model with the combined effects. Multiplying two effects (model_1 * model_2) together results in a new model with the product of the effects i.e. the interaction effect.