

Fetches cortical parcellations (source code).


parcellation = fetch_parcellation(template, atlas, n_regions, varargin);
  • template: Cortical surface template to use. Valid values are ‘fsaverage5’, ‘fsaverage6’, ‘fsaverage’, ‘fslr32k’.

  • atlas: Name of a surface parcellation. Valid names are: ‘schaefer’, ‘cammoun’, ‘glasser’, ‘yeo’.

  • n_regions: Number of regions in the parcellation, see function help for details on the number of regions available for each atlas.

  • varargin: Name-value pairs, see below.

Name-value pairs

  • Directory where the data is stored. Defaults to $HOME_DIR/brainstat_data/parcellation_data.

  • Only used for the Schaefer atlas. If true, uses the 7 network Yeo sub-parcellation, otherwise uses the 17 network Yeo sub-parcellation, defaults to true.