

Decodes input data using meta-analytic maps derived from Nimare and Neurosynth (source code).


[pearsons_r_sort, feature_names_sort] = surface_decoder(stat_data,varargin);
  • pearsons_r_sort: Correlations between the input map and each feature.

  • feature_names_sort: Names of the features.

  • stat_data: Data to be compared to the Neurosynth database.

  • varargin: Name-value pairs, see below.

Name-value pairs

  • The template surface to use, either ‘fsaverage5’ or ‘fsaverage’, or ‘fslr32k’, defaults to ‘fsaverage5’.

  • Directory where the data is stored. Defaults to $HOME_DIR/brainstat_data/neurosynth_data.

  • If true sort output in ascending order, otherwise descending, defaults to false.