
brainstat.context.meta_analysis.radar_plot(data=None, title='', axis_range=None, label=None, color=(0, 0, 0))[source]

Visualize data in radar plot (author: @saratheriver) :param data: Data. :type data: ndarray, shape = (n_val,) :param title: Title of spider plot. Default is empty. :type title: string, optional :param axis_range: Range of spider plot axes. Default is (min, max). :type axis_range: tuple, optional :param label: List of axis labels. Length = same as data.shape[0]. Default is empty. :type label: list, optional :param color: Color of line. Default is (0, 0, 0). :type color: tuple, optional


  • class_mean (ndarray, shape = (data.shape[0],)) – Values for each branch.

  • figure – Spider plot.